Photos from the Palm Springs Mini II


Print So few days, so much to see and do and eat. As Stacy Sussman said to Ed: “No one would believe how amazing this all is without photos… even I don’t believe it and I’m here!” Well, finally we got the photos uploaded—more than 250 of them to edit and size! Why so many? Because even with so many photos,  only the merest clue of how great this event was can be conveyed to those who weren’t there. David Kaplan and his husband Glenn Ostergaard really outdid themselves with this one! Totally AMAZING! Click on the link below and prepare yourselves to stay a while:


On Friday, May 30, 2014 five Northern California members of GNN ’63 attended the unveiling of our classmate Carole Ackerman Feuerman’s latest sculpture, Double Divers, which had been commissioned by the Hi-Tech company NetApp which gifted it to the city of Sunnyvale. These photos were taken at that ceremony. Attending from the class and lending support were Ram Hays and his wife Eva, Meri Henriques Vahl (our art quilter), Laurel Druce, Carol Handelman and Howie Perlin. More photos posted by Laurel can be found at the link below:
Ram sent us the following “squib” from the Mercury News of Silicon Valley: 

” Sunnyvale-based NetApp makes a splash with ‘Double Diver’. NetApp unveils a new installation by New York sculptor Carole A. Feuerman titled ‘Double Diver’ during a ceremony at the Sunnyvale offices on May 30. ‘Double Diver’ is a feat of engineering as well as art, with 2½ tons of bronze and steel balancing on two 6-inch wrists.” Carole herself sent the following video link:


It’s incredible that so much artistic talent and sheer will to achieve almost impossible realism and worldwide reknown—this sculpture defying even the laws of physics— is packed into such a small physical stature as our Carole. But YOU GO GIRL—we’re very proud of you! Think of the people we have in our class—it’s amazing what 50+ years can bring, huh?


Chuck Ortner: First Lady will Attend Event Lunch


PrintMichelle Obama will be Keynote Speaker of  The Grammy Museum’s inaugural
Jane Ortner Education Award Luncheon

Chuck’s wife Jane was a devoted  school teacher who used music in educating students of all levels. Through the Ortner family’s generosity, The Grammy Museum honors Jane’s memory and devotion to education by recognizing school teachers who use music to encourage students to find their own “voice” and make a real difference in their communities. Our Chuck is not simply an eminent entertainment lawyer—he’s a true musical ambassador who is always there, supporting his client artists at many public events, from the Grammy Awards to various awards ceremonies and philanthropic events, to “An Evening at the White House: Women of Soul” televised on PBS.  The next time you see a pledge drive on Public Television, you may very well catch a glimpse of Chuck’s proud and smiling face in the audience. Congratulations and our most heartfelt best wishes, Chuck—you are a true mensch. It’s with pride that we can all say, I went to high school with Chuck Ortner—a really great guy.


David Spiegel’s New House

Designed by his son the Architect (Dan)


Just so you know, our illustrious detective at large, Ram Hays, has been scouring his local paper (the afore-mentioned Mercury News) and found that David’s son Dan, who designed his parents’ new house, has garnered an effusive article (not to mention an architectural award) and was showcased in the local modern architectural house tour held last April 12th. HEY! We may not be timely about these things but we do get the news to you eventually. Nevertheless, Dr. & Mrs. David Spiegel are qvelling over their son Dan’s success. Read all about it… this is the link to the article:

Latest on Leon

As you know, Leon Hawkins has been diagnosed with  cancer which has metastasized to his spine. He is still fighting the good fight, is back in rehab undergoing regular radiation and P/T treatments. Leon’s condition is …well he’s very tired from the treatment but the pain is being well managed now. He is very hopeful and continues to fight this terrible illness. We have no doubt he will pull through eventually. However, we still need to pray for him and email him our best wishes, as we know everyone has. The Hawk is not giving up, nor will we. He’s asks us to let everyone know that even though he can’t answer your calls, cards and emails as he would wish to, he is tremendously grateful for all your love and thanks you all from the bottom of his heart. What a great heart that man has! So from Leon to you, Thank you! —Laurel and Ed

Website Update: A Work in Progress

Because of Laurel’s move to her new abode in San Mateo, then the very large number of photos from the Palm Springs Mini II, and now Ed’s renovation & move to his new Florida house on his beloved wildlife preserve which he insists upon calling “the Swamp,” the website has been in a holding pattern for the last 6 months without much happening. We’ll be working on the site again and want to bring you up to date with what we are planning to do:

  • New Photos… this is still to happen over the summer as Ed moves and settles into his new swamp house; a whole slew of historic GN photos are in the process of being collected. We’ll let you know by email blast when they are uploaded. Also some additional memorabilia photos that were on the boards at the Swan Club will be uploaded for those of you who didn’t make it to the 50th a year ago. if you happen to have some old photos that are as yet undiscovered and would like to share them, contact Ed.
  • Forums Registration We’ve made registration easy—so easy in fact that we’ve registered everyone for both the forums and the website. If you can’t get in, just contact us via email and it will be done for you very quickly. Just holler! FYI, you are able to post in forum discussions and contact anyone personally simply by going to contacts and emailing them. If you have trouble or if you’ve moved and/or changed your email address, reach out to either Ed or Laurel and we’ll get you through it and in touch again.
  • Classmate Spotlights We intend to institute a new feature called Classmate Spotlights to highlight interesting accomplishments of our members with their website links i.e. Carole Ackerman’s new sculpture installation on this News page.
  • Minis & Breaking News As always we will be promoting & announcing minis & events around the country as they occur. This is an ongoing newsletter to be found on the home page when you open the website. If anyone wants to announce personal news, we’ll do it for you and create a link on the homepage to your website if you wish. You can also post yourself either on this website in the forums, or on the Listserv if anyone is still reading that.
—Ed Sobel & Laurel Druce, Website Administrators


San Francisco/Bay Area & Manhattan/L.I.

don’t forget to look in again when you get an email from Laurel….

NEW GALLERIES OF PHOTOS UPLOADED—MORE TO COME. Send Ed your photos—personal or otherwise, anything of interest—we will post them for you. FYI your YouTube videos can be posted in the forums.

Class Photo

Emailing Classmates from the Website: Please feel free to use our website (www.gnn63.com) to email any classmate you wish with confidence they will receive it PRIVATELY. Remember, to see  contact information or to email, you must first be logged into Contact/Profiles with your own log-in information. If you don’t know it, contact Ed or Laurel!