Saddle Rock School Class of 1957

We who attended Saddle Rock School and graduated in 1957, were of a special breed; we were the first class that started in 1st grade & went all the way through to graduate 6th grade. For that singular honor the school administration had class photos made… these are those photos, hanging up in the vestibule of the main entrance. Many of the kids you see went to South after 7th grade in GNN Jr. H.S. …not to be seen again. So many childhood friendships that are now remembered were lost at that time. But many of us Saddle Rockers are grateful for this ‘relic’ of the past that reminds us of who we were then. Memories… of special note is Team Tucker… Henry and Betsy now happily married. Henry’s father, the world-famous tenor Richard Tucker of the NY Metropolitan Opera, had contracted 2 buses to drive up and bring the lot of us into the city to see him in a dress rehearsal of Tosca. Did we know this wasn’t normal? Nah… to use, this was just another day growing up in Great Neck. Only now do we begin to see the gift we all had of that special childhood. Growing up is never easy—especially not growing up in Great Neck. But it sure was special!

Click Here to View the Original Saddle Rock c. 1957 Yearbook

Thanks to Betsy Kogan Tucker and Harriet Ackerman Breest for helping out with the identifications.